Miss Lucksana Sangmanee


  • Executive of Decoration Sales Division

Appointed on August 18, 2021

Educational / Training Background
  • Bachelor of Interior Architecture, Faculty of Architecture
Proportion of Shareholding In The Company (%)
  • None

Family Relationships Between the Board of Directors and Executives
  • None

Work Experience

2021 – Present

2021 – Present

2020 – 2021


2019 – 2020


2014 – 2019



Executive of Decoration Sales Division

Managing Director

Assistant Vice President of Interior Design

Assistant Vice President of Interior Design

Assistant Vice President of Interior Design

Name of Organization / Company / Business Type

Primo Service Solutions Public Company Limited

Wyde Interior Company Limited

Britania Public Company Limited / Low-rise real estate development business


One Origin Company Limited / Real estate development business and businesses related to real estate development, focusing on generating continuous revenues such as hotels, serviced apartments, etc.

Origin Property Public Company Limited / Real estate development business